Will Your Vehicle’s Battery Die If You Don’t Use It Often Enough?

It is an unprecedented time in our country and our world with the Coronavirus pandemic going on. Many people who used to drive to work everyday are now working from home. They are driving less and less because they are under stay-at-home orders to prevent the spread of the virus. If you are wondering about the health of your car in a world where you don’t drive it much, we are here to answer some of your questions.
The lack of driving with the coronavirus has brought up questions that many people have never asked before. One of these common questions from people is “Will my car battery die if I don’t drive it enough?” or even “Can I leave my vehicle for a long time without using it?” People have even asked, “How often should I drive my car if I am in quarantine?”
Most experts agree that a vehicle should be driven at least a few times a month. This is important because driving your vehicle helps to recharge your battery. If your vehicle has been sitting without being used, the battery can drain, but driving the car will help your battery charge back up. Your vehicle should be turned on for at least 10 minutes every week or so to recharge the battery. Also, it is preferable for the vehicle to be driven around instead of just sitting in the same spot idling.
Now that we have established it is important to drive your vehicle around a few times a month, you may be wondering where you should drive if you are supposed to stay home. It is important to remember to be safe out there and not do any driving that is unessential.
In Illinois, we have been under a stay-at-home order for a while, but you can do your driving for essential things like to pick up groceries. Also, some parks are open in Illinois for people to have some outdoor activity away from others. As long as the specific park is open and you are maintaining social distancing practices, you could drive your vehicle to a park to get some time outdoors.
Do you have any more questions about your vehicle and operating it during quarantine? Do you have any concerns about the proper maintenance of your vehicle? You can reach out to the Service Department at Fox Lake Chevrolet to schedule an appointment with us today. Also, if you need to upgrade your vehicle, even in these uncertain times, Ray Chevrolet Fox Lake can help.