Join Us for the Ray Auto Group Annual Food Drive

Each year for the past 7 years the Ray Auto Group has put together a food drive during the month of Thanksgiving. What better month to give thanks and help out our community in need. This year brings us to our 7th annual food drive!
We are collecting food all month long at both Ray Chevrolet and Ray CDJR dealerships all throughout the month of November. We want you to come on out and join us in support.
All of our donations will go to the Grant Township Food Pantry. The following list are items that we need:
- Pancake Mix & Syrup
- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Cake/Muffin Mixes
- Canned Pasta
- Canned Chili
- Canned Meat/Tuna
- Canned Beef Stew
- Canned Manwich
- Canned Fruit
- Hamburger Helper
- Bag & Box Pasta
- Cereal
- Oatmeal
- Jell-O & Pudding
- Rice
- Toilet Paper
- Dish Soap
There will be an area reserved at both dealerships where you can bring your donations. Please join us in helping give back this November! We are extremely thankful for all donations you bring. We hope to see you there.
For questions or more information on how to help feel free to contact us today. Ray Chevrolet is located at 39 N US-12, in Fox Lake, IL.