The Importance of Tire Rotations

Tires can be expensive. Ensure you are not spending more than you need by rotating your tires regularly. The following are answers to common questions and other important information about tire rotation.
Why should you rotate your tires?
The main reason tire rotation is recommended is to keep the wear between all four tires as even as possible. Things like how you drive, where you drive, how often you drive can all cause tires to wear unevenly, and regardless of those factors, front and back tires always wear differently. Rotating tires regularly can extend the life of your tires and therefore, you spend less money.
When tires are rotated frequently, they drive smoother and safer, because they maintain the tread more evenly across the tires and for longer. The better your tread the less frequently you must replace your tires in order to be safe. The tread provides the necessary traction to keep you safe especially in poor weather conditions.
When you bring your car in to have its tires rotated, the tires are thoroughly inspected to determine the wear and tear patterns, but your tires will also be inspected for any other issues that could prevent you from experiencing a sudden issue due to damage you couldn’t see.
How often should you rotate your tires?
Unlike other components of your car, you will not see a flashing light or dinging sound when your tires need to be rotated. This makes forgetting about it altogether too easy. One way to figure out how often to rotate your tires is to check the recommendations in your owner’s manual. For many, it is recommended about every 5,000 miles. If you choose to rotate your tires this often, an easy way to remember to do it is to have it done every to every other time you get your oil changed.
Another way other than miles to determine when to rotate, is to inspect the wear and tear of the tires to decide if it’s time to rotate. When the front tires are wearing at a different rate than your back tires, it is time to rotate.
Signs you need to have your tires inspected immediately would be if you are experiencing increased vibration, if the car feels wobblier as you drive, or you feel like you are drifting. You may also notice increased road noise. If it feels like driving is more of a workout than usual, it may be because you are working harder than you should have to in order to keep your car on the road. If you are experiencing any of these sensations, it’s time to get your tires checked out.
Getting your tires rotated may seem like just another thing to add to your to do list, but its an important task that when done regularly can have a hug impact on the safety and quality of your tires. Tire rotations are typically one of the least expensive services repair shops provide and it doesn’t take long to do. Ray Chevrolet of Fox Lake can help you out with your tire rotations and any other auto service need. You can schedule a service appointment online today.